a big hello.


I am a daughter of the one true God, a wife, a mom of three, a sister, a friend, and today I know myself better than I ever have. Because of this, I am able to share my passion, knowledge and experience with those whose paths cross mine. I have never been more excited about the call on my life to help others find the balanced life they desire.


I was not always healthy nor active, I lacked confidence in myself and for a long time, the belief that I needed to have in myself to change my health (and my life) for the better.  I was not always confident. I didn’t view myself as “worth it.”  I was an emotional eater. I hated exercise. I dabbled in fad diets.  Short term windows of motivation offered me some success but ultimately my heart wasn’t in it.  

I didn’t have the right outlook or understanding of what it truly meant to treat my body as a temple and to honor the one who created it.  Saving my calories all day for Cold Stone ice cream and Subway sandwiches (true story) didn’t lead to anything but a body that was hungry for nutrients and a mind that knew this wasn’t the answer. I was self sabotaging.

Let's start over 20 years ago.

Growing up, I was never the "athletic" type. I carried a little extra weight and I did not care to be healthy. My childhood was one of staying out of the spotlight.  I was not the popular girl in school. I kept to myself most of the time, but luckily, God brought a young boy into my life that loved me for me. I married my high school sweetheart while obtaining my degree in Education and Counseling, Educational, and Developmental Psychology. After years of letting myself go, struggle, miscarriage and depression, my husband and I had our first daughter.  Immediately following her delivery in 2007, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression. And within a month, I had to have my gallbladder removed. Needless to say, I was a wreck.

This wasn’t the picture of life I thought I would have.

Sixteen months later we had our second daughter.

I started having migraines and was constantly tired. The excess weight was dragging me down and I continued to struggle with bouts of depression that led me to emotional eating. I tried exercise videos and dieting but nothing seemed to work as I slipped deeper into depression. The years following, I was good at faking it. I lost some of the baby weight but my body hurt. I would cry out to God and pray that something in me would change. Meanwhile, two years later, I became pregnant with my third girl. I had a very rough pregnancy being on bed rest and gaining over 60 lbs. We had her in spring of 2011 and one year later something inside me snapped. I was sick of being overweight and tired. I was tired of the sadness and lack of energy I had. I was tired of the headaches. I was tired of being so self-conscious in everything I wore, and in everything I did.

I can’t pinpoint the exact moment, but it happened, the deep knowledge that I had to change.

It was time to dig in and put in the work to change my life.

For the past 10 years, I have been working hard at changing my lifestyle. I have been an entrepreneur and have owned and sold a few very successful businesses ranging from the social work field to fitness.

For the longest time, I prided myself on doing it all and being it all to everyone - raising kids, running a business, staying physically fit - yet in doing so, I let the most important thing in the world fall by the wayside. And that was my relationship with Jesus.

Yes, I would go to church every Sunday but my heart wasn't in it - like truly in it. Can you relate? On the outside it appeared I had it all together but on the inside I was drowning and I didn't know how to find my way to freedom. Freedom in my relationship with Christ. Freedom in my career and even freedom from food. I let the hustle overtake me for years until 2020 brought a whole new perspective and my priorities shifted.

My prayer for you is that you remember WHO you are in Christ first and foremost. I love working with women on this very thing. You do not have to do it all or be it all to anyone. Just show up for Him.


all about


Helping women find their worth in Christ by either planting the seed or watering the seed already planted.

not about


I don't do ennegrams – I simply know who I am in Christ and would rather not have a test try and tell me who I am. 

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:12‬

on insta

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